Food and Beverage Service

There are various categories of staff working in the food and beverage service department. These mainly include

  • Waiters / Waitresses : They are responsible for setting tables, taking orders, delivering food and drinks, and clearing tables.
  • Captain: A captain is responsible for a group of tables, and they typically have more experience than front waiters. They are responsible for greeting guests, making recommendations, and ensuring that their guests have a positive dining experience.
  • Host / Hostess :The host/hostess is responsible for greeting guests, seating them, and sure they have a reservation.
  • Bartender: Bartenders are responsible for making and serving drinks. They may also be responsible for taking food orders and delivering food to tables.
  • Sommelier: A sommelier is a wine steward who is responsible for recommending wines to guests and pairing wines with food.
  • Busser / Food Runner : A Busser, or Food Runner, is in charge of setting and clearing tables at a dining establishment to provide a clean and tidy environment for restaurant patrons. Their duties include removing used dishes, re-setting silverware and filling beverages for diners.
These are just some of the most common categories of waiters/waitresses. The specific duties of a waiter/waitress will vary depending on the type of restaurant they work in and their level of experience.



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